A Look Inside Our Lives

I find fashion to be very expressive. I feel as though it is the eyes into a person's creativity. I also think of it as a way to express my own self. I'm 16 and am currently living in Utah. Everyday, I am stuck in a Catholic School uniform with little to no self expression. Coming from a school with no uniforms, I find this a difficult task. I miss the self expression of wearing what I desire, considering my love for fashion. I try my best to sneak in little details to help my style shine through by wearing cute shoes, socks and jewelry. It's not as easy as you'd think.

I love all things fashion. I believe that what you wear can say a million things about you, without you having to say a word, but this doesn't mean you are judging a book by its cover. With fashion you can make little things about your personality become apparent to others, an amazing way to self express. It's an art within itself. It's not hard to put on a pair of jeans and a cute shirt, but it takes an artist to incorporate a little bit of themselves into what they wear to make the outfit come to life.

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