Thursday, September 27, 2012

Welcome Aboard

Welcome to EAST-WEST VIBE. We're glad you stumbled upon us! Long story short, we are best friends recently separated (and not like the moving an hour away kind of separated). Marisa (left) now calls Utah her home since a little over a month ago. Emma (right) was left behind in New Jersey. We are your typical sixteen- year- olds, awaiting their arrival into the real world with hopes of entering the fashion world. Together, we decided to take our love of fashion to a new level and create this blog. Although sometimes we have similar tastes, we thought that our differences in style could bring something new to the table. Our styles are on opposite sides of the spectrum, Marisa, with her Boho- chic style, and Emma, with a more girly taste, but together, we make the ultimate fashion team.

We hope you enjoy our blog!
                                          Marisa and Emma

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